Recording, Mixing, Mastering
A recording studio is not just a collection of bricks and mortar with a vast array of gadgetry within. At its heart, the studio is the place you come to play when it matters most. It should be a creative environment which inspires you to do your best work.
Lost Boys Studio is just such an environment. Handily placed just an hour from London in rural Bedfordshire, we're set in rolling countryside in a beautiful 16th-Century converted barn. Inside the studio, you're cocooned from the outside world. All that matters is you and how you play.
We understand the creative process and the whole environment is tuned to making sure your work is created in a comforting and inspiring atmosphere. From the lighting to the live rooms, Lost Boys will inspire you in a way no other studio can manage. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
We have:
3 Dedicated Live Areas, for recording & rehearsing
Control Room with 40 fader D-Command Desk & Pro Tools Ultimate
Comprehensive range of quality outboard & instruments
Lounge/TV/Kitchen Area
Free broadband via airport/wireless or Ethernet cable.
Off-road parking for up to 10 cars.

Equipment List
40 flying fader Avid D-Command Desk, controlling Avid Pro Tools Pro Tools Ultimate rig, with 32 channels of simultaneous AVID AD/DA Conversion, & capable of 8 independent Cue/headphone mixes.
Pro Tools Ultimate 2021, Reason 5, Live8, Logic Pro X, Komplete 9
Plug-ins: Sony Oxford, Cranesong, Focusrite, Bomb factory, Altiverb, Autotune, Waves Horizon, Drawmer, TC Electronic, Digidesign, Massey, Line6, Plug-in Alliance + others.
Focal Trio, Dynaudio DM15, Laney Wedge monitors x3. Multiple headphones
Neve 1073 dual channel preamp
Audient ASP880 8 channel solid state preamp x2
Vintage Urei 1176 Peak Limiter
Drawmer 1960, 2 Channel Valve Preamp/Compressor x2
TL Audio EQ1 , 2 Channel Valve Mic Pre/4-band EQ x6
Focusrite Green Focus EQ Preamp/EQ x4
Focusrite Green Voicebox
Digitech VTP1 2 Channel Valve Preamp/EQ
Aphex 2 channel Aural Exciter
Peavey 2 Channel Graphic EQ
Presonus Headphone Amps x12
Neumann M149 Tube Mic, Neumann U87 , Neumann TLM 103 x4 , AKG C3000 x3 , SM57x5 , Beta 57 , SM58 x2 Audio Technica ATM25 x5 (Tom Mics) , AKG D112 Kick Mic , AKG C451(CK1 Capsule) , AKG C1000 , Pure1 x2 (Neuman copy) plus various other assorted mics inc
Instruments & Amps
Sovtek Valve Tube Midget Amp Heads x2
Vintage Vox AC10
Hughs & Kettner Warp 4x12 Cabinet x3
Hartke VX3500 4x10 + 1x15 Bass rig
A range of Classic Modern & Vintage Electric Guitars (Gibson, Fender, Charvel, Fernandes)
Yamaha 'Paul Simon' Model Acoustic Guitar
88 Note weighted KB x2
49 Note Semi-weighted KB